Matrix Microelectrodes

Matrix Microelectrodes combine our Metal Microelectrodes into one assembly that is completely tailored to the user’s application. We are able to produce matrix microelectrodes from a 2×1 bipolar stimulating version to a 144 (or beyond) mapping grid.

These microelectrodes have a length of 50mm and have a parallel configuration using 2 microelectrodes for Invitro and Invivo Cortical mapping single and multi-cell recording and stimulation.

Detailed specifications and technical information can be found under the Technical Documents tab.

Sold in packages of 3. Tungsten 30255 and 30256 are sold in packages of 12.

SKU Metal SP OD R/SF Extension Protrusion
30250 Platinum-Iridium 50 μm 635 μm Multi-Cell 9mm 1mm
30251 Platinum-Iridium 115 μm 635 μm Multi-Cell 9mm 1mm
30253 Platinum-Iridium 200 μm 635 μm Multi-Cell 3mm 2mm
30254 Platinum-Iridium 250 μm 813 μm Multi-Cell 9mm 1mm
30255 Tungsten 250 μm 813 μm Single-Cell 9mm 1mm
30256 Tungsten 500 μm 1245 μm Multi-Cell 9mm 1mm

Matrix Bipolar Specifications


Cleaning and Sterilization of Research Microelectrodes


Xiaofeng Ma, Tsunehiko Kohashi, and Bruce A. Carlson. Extensive excitatory network interactions shape temporal processing of communication signals in a model sensory system. Journal of Neurophysiology 2013 110:2, 456-469.

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Kotak VC, Mowery TM and Sanes DH (2015) Characterization of auditory synaptic inputs to gerbil perirhinal cortex. Front. Neural Circuits 9:40.

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Yu, X., Taylor, A. M. W., Nagai, J., Golshani, P., Evans, C. J., Coppola, G., & Khakh, B. S. (2018). Reducing Astrocyte Calcium Signaling In Vivo Alters Striatal Microcircuits and Causes Repetitive Behavior. Neuron.

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Ruotian Jiang, Blanca Diaz-Castro, Loren L. Looger, Baljit S. Khakh. Dysfunctional Calcium and Glutamate Signaling in Striatal Astrocytes from Huntington's Disease Model Mice. Journal of Neuroscience 23 March 2016, 36 (12) 3453-3470.

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Peres, R., Soares, J. G. M., Lima, B., Fiorani, M., Chiorri, M., Florentino, M. M., & Gattass, R. (2018). Neuronal response properties across cytochrome oxidase stripes in primate V2. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 527(3), 651–667.

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